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FlippingBook In Action

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Page 6. Create photo albums that attract attention, surprise your visitors! You do not have to be a computer expert or a web-designer to create photo albums. This component is very easy to use: all you need is to create images of the right size, upload them to the server and place them in the book.

This sample book demonstrates several ways of using the component.
FlippingBook engine works with JPG, PNG, GIF and SWF (Flash) files. The JPG is convenient for creating picture albums, PNG or GIF format - for text, screenshots, drafts. The SWF format is convenient for presentations with animation, video, links etc. You can modify this text in administration back-end (Components > FlippingBook > Manage Books > FlippingBook In Action > Description).

Powered by FlippingBook. Joomla extension.

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